We have good news: Your new federation has eventually started. And nevertheless we would like to inform you about our first reunion.
On May 21st, they were preparing the funeral of Jean-Luc Dehaene. But the group, who entered a restaurant, had other plans in mind. Some of them already met before and others got to know each other for the first time. Young or old, French or Dutch speaking, man or woman, they all gathered together to (finally) start the federation.
After our acquaintance, we were delighted to enjoy a little drink and a snack and of course it was for our own account. Afterwards the president Charles took the word and introduced the extensive diary. After an uncertain start, they started to talk French or Dutch fluently. We had to accustom ourselves at such a mixed Belgian tête à tête, but it would be very boring to translate it all. And if you know that the reunion has already been taken 3 hours ….
The items and decisions followed each other because there was a pile of tasks to do ahead of us. First the association without lucrative purpose had to be sorted out administratively and all kinds of practical matters had to be initiated. It was really positive that lots of tasks were divided spontaneously between the members of the bureau and the club representatives, according to everybody’s gifts. The brainstorming was a joyful moment and everybody was daydreaming about the future of BMF. A flow of ideas caused for magical power when the first plans were born for the start- event of this autumn.
It was almost 23h when we closed the books. Everyone was really tired but satisfied and our first assembly passed very well. And although we were sitting with 13 around the table, there were no accidents, not even on their way back home. 🙂